What's Changed?

- Introduced Coins as an additional resource in the game

- Coins can be earned by playing in challenges or purchased in the Shop

- Coins can be used to buy Keys, Swaps and Fills

- Coins can be used to join Flash challenges

- Challenge prizes are now based on your final ranking in challenges with more opportunities to receive prizes

- Challenge prizes are claimed at the end of each challenge

Why We Made These Changes?

Our goal was to provide an even more fun and engaging experience. 

  • Since prizes are now based on performance in challenges, the game better rewards players who have better photos and are more active.

  • The prizes and rewards system is much more transparent. Not only can you see what prizes you will get, but you can also immediately receive it after each challenge is finished.

  • Coins give players much more flexibility managing their game resources. Coins can be used to buy exactly the resource the player wants and needs. 

What Does This Mean for You?

  • The better your performance in the game, the more rewarded you will be

  • You accumulate a lot fewer resources you don’t use

  • No need to wait anymore. You will be rewarded immediately after every challenge.

Your Feedback Matters

We understand that changes can take some time to get used to, and we are here to help. We highly value your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences as these changes are implemented. Your input is crucial in shaping the future of GuruShots.

Click here to provide feedback.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. 

The GuruShots Team